The First One, 1965

Perhaps not the first, but according to my professor of Fashion Photography, this was an early image that caused a minor kerfuffle because of its implied homoeroticism.

The image was by Bob Richardson, and was published in Harper’s Bazaar October 1965, p. 209.  The caption read: “Daisy chains of diamonds, swaying in a net sweater that drapes in a cowl over the bodice of a white satin dress.  Diamond flares, silver streaked, twinkling on a gauzy sweater atop a white dress.  Both dresses by Mollie Parnis, in Staron Silk.”

"Giggling" by Bob Richardson, 1965

"Giggling" by Bob Richardson, 1965

Hidden, but still there

As the social history dilettante that I am, I come across little tidbits of lesbian history all the time.  It’s all just too great not to share.  I hope you enjoy, and if you have anything of your own, please do submit it.